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56. H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, S.Uchiyama, K.Takahara, T. Itsubo, T. Miyasaka.The accuracy and safety of image-guidance system using intraoperative fluoroscopic images: an in vitro feasibility study.
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60. Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Takahara K, Itsubo T, Miyasaka T. Idiopathic spinal cord herniation associated with a large erosive bone defect: a case report and review of the literature.
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63. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Fukuzawa T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Miyasaka T. Median nerve damage during two-portal endoscopic carpal tunnel release.
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64. Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Takahara K, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Miyasaka T.Snapping wrist after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger digit: a case report.
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65. Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Uchiyama S, Takahara K, Itsubo T, Miyasaka T.Progressive symptomatic kyphotic deformity after decompressive surgery for lumbar destructive spondyloarthropathy.
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66. Takahara K, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Uchiyama S.Changes in biochemical markers of bone in patients with insufficiency fractures.
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67. Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Toriumi H, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Miyasaka T.Carpal tunnel syndrome and development of trigger digit
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68. Takahara K, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Hashidate H, Kawaguchi A, Uchiyama S. Unusual stress fracture of the femoral neck in a young adult not caused by excessive stress: a case report.
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70. Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Takahara K, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Miyasaka T.Median nerve entrapment at the volar stump of the proximal radial fragment in Colles’ fracture:a case report.
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71. Hashidate H, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Takahara K, Uchiyama S. Pseudoarthrosis of vertebral fracture: radiographical and characteristic clinical features and natural history
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72. Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Takahara K, Hashidate H, Kawaguchi A, Nakagawa H. Urinary excretion of type 1 collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide and serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase analysis to determine the correlation of age and back-pain related changes in elderly women.
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75. 外立裕之、中川浩之、上村幹男、高原健治、内山茂晴:脊椎腫瘍摘出術後早期に小脳出血を生じた1例.中部整災誌48:591-2,2005
76. H. Nakagawa, M. Kamimura, K. Takahara, H. Hashidate, A. Kawaguchi, S. Uchiyama, T. Miyasaka
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77. H. Nakagawa, M. Kamimura, K. Takahara, H. Hashidate, A. Kawaguchi, S. Uchiyama, T. Miyasaka
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78. T. Imaeda, S. Toh, T. Wada, S. Uchiyama, S. Okinaga, K. Kusunose, T. Sawaizumi. Validation of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand Version of the Quick Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (QuickDASH-JSSH) Questionnaire. J Orthop Sci 2006;11:248-53. 0.941
79.Nagai F, Uchiyama S, Nakagawa H. Letter to the editor. Posterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy caused by Osteoarthritic Synovitis of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint. J Hand Surg 2006;31B:697-698. * 2.037
80. Takahara K, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Hashidate H, Uchiyama S.
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81.Imaeda T, Uchiyama S, Toh S, Wada T, Okinaga S, Sawaizumi T, Nishida J, Kusunose K, Omokawa S for the Clinical Outcome Committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association and the Impairment Evaluation Committee of Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand. Validation of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand version of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Instrument. J Orthop Sci. 2007;12:14-21. 0.941
82. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Fukuzawa T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Kato H. Reducing Neurological and Vascular Complications of Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Using a Modified Chow Technique. Arthroscopy 2007;23:816-821. *3.206
83. Uchiyama S, Imaeda T, Toh S, Kusunose K, Sawaizumi T, Wada T, Okinaga S, Nishida J, Omokawa S. Comparison of Responsiveness of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand Version of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Instrument to Surgical Treatment with DASH, SF-36, and Physical Findings.
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84. Hashidate H, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Takahara K, Uchiyama S.
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85. Takahara K, Kamimura M, Hashidate H, Uchiyama S, Nakagawa H.
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86. Uchiyama S, Amadio PC, Berglund L, An KN.
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87. Hashidate H, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Takahara K, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Cerebellar hemorrhage after spine surgery. J Orthop Sci 2008;13:150154.0.941
88.Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Hata Y, Murakami N, Kato H. Extensor Tendon Rupture Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Distal Radioulnar Joint. J Hand Surg 2008;33E:469-474. 2.037
89. Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Momose T, Yasutomi T, Imaeda T. Kato H. Electrophysiological responsiveness and quality of life (QuickDASH, CTSI)evaluation of surgically treated carpal tunnel syndrome. J Orthop Sci 2009;14:27-23. *0.941
90.Matsubara M, Tanikawa H, Shibata S, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to Fibrolipomatous Hamartoma of the Median Nerve in Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome: A Case Report. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2009;;91:1223-1227 * 5.28
91.Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
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92.Yamazaki H, Kato H, Uchiyama S, Ohmoto H, Minami A.
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93. Nakamura K, Hirachi K, Uchiyama S, Takahara M, Minami A, Imaeda T, Kato H.Long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes after open reduction for missed Monteggia fracture in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009;91:1394-404. 5.28
94. 内山茂晴、加藤博之、中村恒一、伊坪敏郎
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95. Hara K, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Irreducible simultaneous dislocation of both interphalangeal joints in the little finger:A case report. Hand Surg 2009;14:39-42.
96. Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Nakagawa H, Hashidate H, Takahara K, Kato H. Bone Mineral Density Measurement at Both Spine and Hip for Diagnosing Osteoporosis in Japanese Patients
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97. Niwa T, Uchiyama S, Yamazaki H, Kasashima T, Tsuchikane A, Kato H. Closed tendon rupture as a result of Kienböck disease. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2010;44:59-63.
98. Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Takahara K, Hashidate H, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Comparison in bone turnover markers during early healing of femoral neck fracture and trochanteric fracture in elderly patients. Orthopedic Reviews 2009;1:e21:50-55.
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101. Shigeharu Uchiyama, Toshirou Itsubo, Koichi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kato, Takashi Yasutomi, Toshimitsu Momose.
Current concepts of carpal tunnel syndrome: Pathophysiology, surgical treatment, and evaluation. J Orthop Sci 2010;15:1-13. 0.941
102. 今枝敏彦、藤哲、沖永修二、内山茂晴、和田卓郎、楠瀬浩一、澤泉卓哉、面川庄平 日本手の外科学会版DASH, QuickDASHと手根管症候群質問表(CTSI)の計量心理学的評価 日整会誌 2009;83:893-9.
103. Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Nakagawa H, Hashidate H, Takahara K, Takahashi J, Kato H. Anti-Nociceptive effects of elcatonin injection for postmenopausal women with back pain:A randomized controlled trial. Open Orthopaedics Journal 2010;4:132-136.
104. Imaeda T, Uchiyama S, Wada T, OkInaga S, Sawaizumi T, Omokawa S, Momose T, Moritomo H, Gotani H, Abe Y, Nishida J, and Kanaya F for the clinical Outcomes committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic association and the Impairment evaluation committee of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the hand
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105. Itsubo T, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Hirachi K, Minami A, Kato H. Differential onset patterns and causes of carpal tunnel syndrome after distal radius fracture: A retrospective study of 105 wrists. J Orthop Sci 2010;15:518-23. 0.941
106. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T. Momose T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Kato H. Carpal tunnel pressure measurement during two-portal endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Clin Biomech 2010;25:893-8. 1.970
107. Yamazaki H, Kato H, Uchiyama S, Iwasaki N, Ishikura H, Minami A. Long term results of early active extension and passive flexion mobilization following one-stage tendon grafting for neglected injuries of the flexor digitorum profundus in children. J Hand Surg Eur 2011;36:303-7. 2.037
108. Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Snapping wrist caused by tenosynovitis of the extensor carpi radialis longus tendon subsequent to subcutaneous muscle rupture in the forearm: case report. J Hand Surg Am. 2010 Dec;35(12):1964-7. 1.667
109. Yoshiki Sekijima, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Kana Tojo, Kenji Sano, Yusaku Shimizu, Toshihiko Imaeda, Yoshibonu Hoshii, Hiroyuki Kato, Shu-ichi Ikeda. High prevalence of wild-type TTR deposition in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome: a common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly.
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110. 内山茂晴. 松本市内の全橈骨遠位端骨折患者の登録とQOL維持のための骨折後骨粗鬆症検査の実践と治療の継続性. Osteoporosis Japan 2011;19:57-59.
111. Akira Takazawa, Satoshi Matsuda, Fumio Fujioka, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Kato. Split tibia vascularized fibular graft for congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia: a preliminary report of two cases. J Pediatr Orthop 2011 Jun;31(4):e20-4. 1.474
112. Hashidate H, Kamimura M, Nakagawa H, Takahara K, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Early changes in bone specific turnover markers during the healing process after vertebral fracture. Open Orthop J. 2011, 14;5:32-6.
113. Yamazaki H, Kato H, Uchiyama S, Iwasaki N, Ishikura H, Minami A.
Long term results of early active extension and passive flexion mobilization following one-stage tendon grafting for neglected injuries of the flexor digitorum profundus in children. J Hand Surg Eur 2011;36(4):303-7. 2.034
114. Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Women with Insufficient 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D without
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115. Shigeharu Uchiyama, Toshirou Itsubo, Koichi Nakamura, Hironori Murakami, Toshimitsu Momose and Hiroyuki Kato. MRI-based identification of an appropriate point of needle insertion for patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome to avoid median nerve injury. ISRN Orthopedics 2011 (2011), Article ID 528147
116. 大場悠己、内山茂晴、伊坪敏郎、中村恒一、石垣範雄、畑幸彦、加藤博之、上原剛 上腕遠位部で生じた正中神経線維束の炎症により前骨間神経麻痺症状を呈した1例。 Peripheral Nerve 末梢神経 2011;22:86-91.
117. Hiroyuki Matsuki, Junichi Ishikawa, Norimasa Iwasaki, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Akio Minami, Hiroyuki Kato. Non-vascularized bone graft with Herbert type screw fixation for proximal pole scaphoid nonunion.
Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2011;16:749-55. 0.941
118. Shiozawa R, Uchiyama S, Sugimoto Y, Ikegami S, Iwasaki N, Kato H.
Comparison of splinting versus nonsplinting in the treatment of
pediatric trigger finger. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Jun;37(6):1211-6. 1.667
119. Shigeharu Uchiyama, Koichi Nakamura, Toshiro Itsubo, Hironori Murakami, Masanori Hayashi, Toshihiko Imaeda, Hiroyuki Kato. Technical Difficulties and their Prediction in Two-portal ECTR for Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Arthroscopy 2013 ;29(5):860-9. 3.206
120. S.Ikegami, M. Kamimura, K.Mukaiyama, S.Uchiyama, H.Kato.
Unilateral versus bilateral hip bone mineral density measurement for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. J Clin Densitom. 2014 Jan-Mar;17(1):84-90. 2.027
121. Sasaki J, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Intrasynovial tendon graft for chronic flexor tendon laceration of the finger. A case report. Open Orthop J 2013;7:248-51.
122. Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Fujinaga Y, Sato N, Imaeda T, Kadoya M, Kato H. Effect of early administration of alendronate after surgery for fragility distal radius fracture on radiographic fracture healing time. Bone Joint J 2013;95-B:1544–50. 3.309
123. Mikio Kamimura, Yukio Nakamura, Shota Ikegami, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Kato. Joint pain undergoes a transition in accordance with signal changes of bones detected by MRI in hip osteoarthritis. Open Rheumatol J. 2013 Sep 30;7:67-74.
124. Hatakenaka T, Uemura K, Itsubo T, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Septic arthritis of the elbow in a child due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a case report. J. Pediatr Orthop B 2014 May;23(3):285-7. 0.594
125.Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Mukaiyama K, Uchiyama S, Kato H.The pathophysiology of primary hip osteoarthritis may originate from bone alterations. Open Rheumatol J 2013. 29;7:112-8.
126. Koichi Nakamura, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Yoshikazu Ido, Toshiro Itsubo, Masanori Hayashi, Hironori Murakami, Nobutaka Sato, Toshihiko Imaeda, Hiroyuki Kato. The effect of vascular pedicle preservation on blood flow and clinical outcome following ulnar nerve transposition. J Hand Surg Am. 2014;39:291-302. 1.667
127. Kito M, Yoshimura Y, Aoki K, Uchiyama S, Uehara T, Kato H. Locked Metacarpophalangeal Joint of the Middle Finger Caused by Lipoma in the Flexor Tenosynovium: A Case Report. Case Connector J Bone Joint Surg Am 2014 Accepted.
128. Itsubo T, Murakami N, Uemura K, Nakamura K, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. MRI staging to evaluate the stability of capitellar osteochondritis dissecans lesions. Am J Sports Med 2014 Aug;42(8):1972-7. 4.362
129. Shota Ikegami, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Yukio Nakamura, Keijiro Mukaiyama, Hiroki Hirabayashi, Mikio Kamimura, Kiichi Nonaka, Hiroyuki Kato
Factors that Characterize Bone Health with Aging in Healthy Postmenopausal Women
J Bone Miner Metab 2015 Jul;33(4):440-7. 2.460
130. Momose T, Uchiyama S, Kobayashi S, Nakagawa H, Kato H.
Structural changes of the carpal tunnel, median nerve and flexor tendons in MRI before and after endoscopic carpal tunnel release.
Hand Surg. 2014;19(2):193-8.
131. Uchiyama S, Sekijima Y, Tojo K, Sano K, Imaeda T, Moriizumi T, Ikeda S, Kato H. Effect of Synovial Transthyretin Amyloid Deposition on Preoperative Symptoms and Postoperative Recovery of Median Nerve Function in Patients with Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome J Orthop Sci 2014 Nov;19(6):913-9.
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132. Hashidate H, Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Serum pentosidine levels after 3 years of bisphosphonate treatment
in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Endocrine Research 2015;40(3):172-6.
133. Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Nakamura K, Itsubo T, Momose T, Kato H.
Arthrodesis of The Carpometacarpal Joint of The Thumb with Plate Fixation and Bone Grafting: A Retrospective Review. J Orthop Sci 2015 Mar;20(2):302-6.
134. Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Uchiyama S, Ikegami S, Mukaiyama K, Kato H.
The Pathophysiology and Progression of Hip Osteoarthritis Accompanied with Joint Pain are Potentially Due to Bone Alterations - Follow-up Study of Hip OA Patients. Open Rheumatol J. 2014 Oct 2;8:46-53.
135. Nakamura Y, Kamimura M, Mukaiyama K, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
A case with atypical clinical course diagnosed as osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, subchondral insufficiency fracture, or rapidly destructive coxopathy.
Open Rheumatol J. 2014 Sep 12;8:20-3.
136. Keijiro Mukaiyama, Mikio Kamimura, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Shota Ikegami, Yukio Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kato. Elevation of Serum Alkaline phosphatase(ALP) Level in Postmenopausal Women Is Caused by High Bone Turnover. Aging Clin Exp Res. In press 2014. Aug;27(4):413-8. 1.215
137. Masatoshi Komatsu, Yukio Nakamura, Mikio Kamimura, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Keijiro Mukaiyama, Shota Ikegami, Hiroyuki Kato.
Knee joint pain potentially due to bone alterations in a knee
osteoarthritis patient. Am J Case Rep 2014; 15:534-537 DOI 10.12659/AJCR.891233
138. Karube, Kato H, Uchiyama S.
Functional evaluation and DASH scores of a patient treated with second toe-to-thumb transfers for bilateral thumb amputations: A case report. J Orthop Sci Accepted 2014. 0.941
139. Uchiyama S, Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Mukaiyama K, Nakamura Y, Nonaka K, Kato H. The Skeletal Muscle Cross Sectional Area in Long-term Bisphosphonate Users Is Smaller than that of Bone Mineral Density-matched Controls with Increased Serum Pentosidine Concentrations. Bone 2015:75; 84–87. 3.973
140. Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Hashimoto S, Komatsu M, Kato H. Risk assessment of tendon attrition following treatment of distal radius fracture with volar locking plate fixation. J Hand Surg Am 2015 Aug;40(8):1571-81.
141. Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Hashimoto S, Komatsu M, Kato H. Arthroscopy does not improve the functional or radiographic outcome of intra-articular unstable distal radial fractures treated with volar locking plate fixation: a randomised controlled trial. Bone Joint Journal 2015 97-B(7):957-62. 3.309
142. Masatoshi Komatsu, Yukio Nakamura, Mikio Kamimura, Shota Ikegami, Keijiro Mukaiyama, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Kato. Bone Alterations in Painful Osteoarthritic Shoulder. J Case Report 2015;5(1):84-87.
143. Nakamura Y, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Mukaiyama K, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Case series of pregnancy- and lactation-associated osteoporosis and a review of the literature. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2015 Sep 7;11:1361-5. 1.469
144. Taguchi A, Kamimura M, Sugino N, Uchida K, Kitamura Y, Ikegami S, Nakamura M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Association of self-reported height loss and kyphosis with loss of teeth in Japanese elderly. Oral Health Dental Management Vol. 15 - No. 3 - June, 2016
145. Masatoshi Komatsu, Mikio Kamimura, Yukio Nakamura, Keijiro Mukaiyama, Shota Ikegami, Masanori Hayashi, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Kato. Bony findings detected by MRI may reflect the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis with carpometacarpal joint pain. Int J Rheum Dis. 2015 Nov 18. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12781. 1.469
146. Mukaiyama K, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Eldecalcitol, in Combination with Bisphosphonate, Is Eeffective for Treatment of Japanese Osteoporotic Patients. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2015;237(4):339-43. 1.351
147. Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Hayashi M, Kato H. Factors affecting extension lag after tendon reconstruction for finger extensor tendon rupture due to distal radioulnar lesion. J Orthop Sci 2016 Jan;21(1):19-23. 0.941
148. Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Nakamura Y, Mukaiyama K, Kato H. Clinical Implications of Hip Flexion in the Measurement of Spinal Bone Mineral Density. J Clin Densitom 2016 Jan 5. pii: S1094-6950(15)00210-3.
149. Yukio Nakamura, Shigeharu Uchiyama , Mikio Kamimura, Masatoshi Komatsu, Shota Ikegami, Hiroyuki Kato. Bone alterations are associated with ankle osteoarthritis joint pain. Scientific Reports. 2016 Jan 18;6:18717.
150. Shigeharu Uchiyama, Shota Ikegami,Mikio Kamimura, Hideki Moriya,Tsutomu Akahane, Kiichi Nonaka, Toshihiko Imaeda, Hiroyuki Kato. Bone Strength, Skeletal Muscle Area, and Biochemical Markers Associated with Bone Metabolism in Patients with Fragility Distal Radius Fracture. Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity 4:1 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2329-9509.1000167
151. Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Bisphosphonate Pre-Treatment Diminishes the Therapeutic Benefits of Teriparatide in Japanese Osteoporotic Patients. Tohoku J Exp Med 2016;239(1):17-24.
152. Nishimura M, Itsubo T, Horii E, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Tardy ulnar nerve palsy caused by chronic radial head dislocation after Monteggia fracture: a report of two cases. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2016 Sep;25(5):450-3.
153. Hiroyuki Oshiba, Toshiro Itsubo, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Shota Ikegami, Koichi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kato Results of Bone Peg Grafting for Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans
in Adolescent Baseball Players. Am J Sports Med 2016 Dec;44(12):3171-3178.
154. Yoshikazu Ido, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Koichi Nakamura, Toshiro Itsubo, Masanori Hayashi, Yukihiko Hata, Toshihiko Imaeda, and Hiroyuki Kato. Postoperative improvement in DASH score, clinical findings, and nerve conduction velocity in patients with cubital tunnel syndrome. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 6;6:27497. doi: 10.1038/srep27497.
155. Mikio Kamimura, Yukio Nakamura, Noriyuki Sugino, Shigeharu Uchiyama, Masatoshi Komatsu, Shota Ikegami, Hiroyuki Kato, Akira Taguchi. Associations of self-reported height loss and kyphosis with vertebral fractures in Japanese women 60 years and older: a cross-sectional survey. Sci Rep 2016 Jul 6;6:29199. doi: 10.1038/srep29199.
156. H. Ohi, S. Uchiyama T. Kanda M. Mukoda M. Hayashi H. Kato
Outcomes of grafting intrasynovial tendons of the foot to the fingers in 10 patients: A preliminary report. J Hand Surg Eur 2017 Feb 1:1753193417691653.
157. Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Komatsu M, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Monthly minodronate inhibits bone resorption to a greater extent than does monthly risedronate. Osteoporos & Sarcopenia 2016 doi:10.1016/j.afos.2016.07.002
158. Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Hosaka M, Kato H.
Closed Rupture of the Flexor Tendon Secondary to Sclerosis of the Hook of the Hamate: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2016 Oct;21(3):405-9.
159. Taguchi A, Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Sugino N, Ichinose A, Maezumi H, Fukuzawa T, Ashizawa R, Takahara K, Gushiken S, Mukaiyama K, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Delayed wound healing after tooth extraction and self-reported kyphosis in Japanese men and women. Sci Rep 2016 Nov 16;6:36309. doi: 10.1038/srep36309.
160. Kamimura M, Uchiyama S, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Mukaiyama K, Kato H.
Short-term bisphosphonate treatment reduces serum 25(OH) vitamin D3 and alters values of parathyroid hormone, pentosidine, and bone metabolic markers. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2017 Feb 13;13:161-168.
161. Kamimura M, Nakamura Y, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H, Taguchi A.
Significant improvement of bone mineral density and bone turnover markers by denosumab therapy in bisphosphonate-unresponsive patients.
Osteoporos Int. 2017
162. Ideta H, Uchiyama S, Hayashi M, Kosho T, Nakamura Y, Kato H.
Painful locking of the wrist in a patient with pseudoachondroplasia confirmed by COMP mutation. J Surg Case Rep. 2017 Jan 2;2017(1).
163. Suzuki T, Nakamura Y, Tanaka M, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Comparison of the effects of denosumab with either active vitamin D or native vitamin D on bone mineral density and bone turnover markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Mod Rheumatol. 2017 Apr 11:1-4.
164. Uemura K, Hayashi M, Itsubo T, Oishi A, Iwakawa H, Komatsu M, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Myostatin promotes tenogenic differentiation of C2C12 myoblast cells through Smad3.
FEBS Open Bio. 2017 Feb 20;7(4):522-532.
165. Flexor carpi radialis brevis muscle: A case report and its prevalence in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Mimura T, Uchiyama S, Hayashi M, Uemura K, Moriya H, Kato H.
J Orthop Sci. 2017 Jul 25
166. Increased Serum 25(OH)D3 Levels in Post-Menopausal Japanese Women with Osteoporosis after 3-Year Bisphosphonate Treatment.
Nakamura Y, Uchiyama S, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Komatsu M, Kato H.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2017;242(3):241-246. doi: 10.1620/tjem.242.241.
167. Two-year clinical outcome of denosumab treatment alone and in combination with teriparatide in Japanese treatment-naive postmenopausal osteoporotic women.
Nakamura Y, Suzuki T, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Murakami K, Uchiyama S, Taguchi A, Kato H.
Bone Res. 2017 Jun 13;5:16055. doi: 10.1038/boneres.2016.55. eCollection 2017.
168. Efficacy of Denosumab for Osteoporosis in Three Female Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Uehara M, Nakamura Y, Takahashi J, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Suzuki T, Uchiyama S, Yamaguchi T, Kosho T, Kato H.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2017;242(2):115-120. doi: 10.1620/tjem.242.115.
169. Alfacalcidol Increases the Therapeutic Efficacy of Ibandronate on Bone Mineral Density in Japanese Women with Primary Osteoporosis.
Nakamura Y, Suzuki T, Kamimura M, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2017 Apr;241(4):319-326. doi: 10.1620/tjem.241.319.
170. Vitamin D and calcium are required at the time of denosumab administration during osteoporosis treatment.
Nakamura Y, Suzuki T, Kamimura M, Murakami K, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Bone Res. 2017 Oct 10;5:17021. doi: 10.1038/boneres.2017.21.
171. Optimal Measurement Level and Ulnar Nerve Cross-Sectional Area Cutoff Threshold for Identifying Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow by MRI and Ultrasonography.
Terayama Y, Uchiyama S, Ueda K, Iwakura N, Ikegami S, Kato Y, Kato H.
J Hand Surg Am. 2018 Apr 3. pii: S0363-5023(18)30233-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2018.02.022.
172. Functional range of motion in the metacarpophalangeal joints of the hand measured by single axis electric goniometers.
Murai T, Uchiyama S, Nakamura K, Ido Y, Hata Y, Kato H.
J Orthop Sci. 2018 Feb 19. pii: S0949-2658(18)30038-1. doi:
173. Recurrent Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Ganglion: A Report of Nine Cases.
Komatsu M, Uchiyama S, Kimura T, Suenaga N, Hayashi M, Kato H.
J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2018 Jun;23(2):210-216. doi: 10.1142/S2424835518500224.
174. Pretreatment of daily teriparatide enhances the increase of bone mineral density in cortical bones by denosumab therapy.
Kamimura M, Taguchi A, Nakamura Y, Koiwai H, Ikegami S, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018 Apr 3;14:637-642. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S154686. eCollection 2018.
175. Reliability and Concurrent Validity of the Ring Gauge Method and the Metacarpal Head Tape Measure Method of Measuring Hand Size.
Yamazaki H, Sakurai T, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2018 Sep;23(3):382-387.
176. Bone Peg Grafting for Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans in Adolescent Baseball Players.
Oshiba H, Itsubo T, Komatsu M, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
JBJS Essent Surg Tech. 2018 Mar 14;8(1):e8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.ST.17.00058. eCollection 2018 Mar 28.
177. Efficacy of denosumab therapy for neurofibromatosis type 1 with osteoporosis and history of fractures: a case report.
Uehara M, Nakamura Y, Takahashi J, Kamimura M, Isobe F, Yamaguchi T, Kosho T, Uchiyama S, Suzuki T, Kato H.
Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018 Jul 16;14:1243-1246.
178.Long waiting time before tooth extraction may increase delayed wound healing in elderly Japanese.
Kamimura M, Taguchi A, Komatsu M, Koiwai H, Ashizawa R, Ichinose A, Takahara K, Uchiyama S, Kato H.
Osteoporos Int. Osteoporos Int. 2019 Mar;30(3):621-628
179. A new technique to determine the tension in extensor pollicis longus reconstruction.
Kamoi F, Kondo M, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Kato H.J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Oct;44(8):790-794.
180. Recurrent Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Ganglion: A Report of Nine Cases.
Komatsu M, Uchiyama S, Kimura T, Suenaga N, Hayashi M, Kato H. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2018 Jun;23(2):210-216.
181. Prospective Evaluation of Median Nerve Dysfunctions in Patients with a Distal Radius Fracture Treated with Volar Locking Plating.
Isobe F, Yamazaki H, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Miyaoka S, Kato H.J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2019 Dec;24(4):392-399.
182. Magnetic resonance imaging of diffusion characteristics following collagenase clostridium histolyticum injection in Dupuytren's contracture.
Iwakawa H, Uchiyama S, Fujinaga Y, Hayashi M, Komatsu M, Kato H, Takahashi J.J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2021 Sep-Dec;29(3):23094990211047281.
183. Changes in the Functional Range of Motion of the Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint After Trapeziometacarpal Arthrodesis for Patients With Advanced Trapeziometacarpal Osteoarthritis.
Hayashi M, Kato H, Komatsu M, Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Takahashi J.J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Nov 9:S0363-5023(21)00613-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.09.018.
184. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Japanese Aged 50 to 89 Years.
Hashimoto S, Ikegami S, Nishimura H, Uchiyama S, Takahashi J, Kato H.J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2020 Sep;25(3):320-327.
185. Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow in 413 Japanese patients: An assessment of pathological elbow lesions and neurological severity.
Sato N, Okita G, Uchiyama S, Matsui Y, Wakabayashi Y, Ishii S, Kuniyoshi K, Hirachi K, Haro H, Kato H.J Orthop Sci. 2020 Mar;25(2):235-240
186. Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow in 413 Japanese patients: An assessment of pathological elbow lesions and neurological severity.
Sato N, Okita G, Uchiyama S, Matsui Y, Wakabayashi Y, Ishii S, Kuniyoshi K, Hirachi K, Haro H, Kato H.J Orthop Sci. 2020 Mar;25(2):235-240
187. Current Methods in the Study of Nanomaterials for Bone Regeneration.
Tanaka M, Izumiya M, Haniu H, Ueda K, Ma C, Ueshiba K, Ideta H, Sobajima A, Uchiyama S, Takahashi J, Saito N.Nanomaterials (Basel). 2022 Apr 2;12(7):1195.
188. What is the subtype of dementia in patients with fragility hip fracture?
Uchiyama S, Kamoi F, Tanaka M, Joko I, Kasuga K, Suzuki K, Tachibana N, Kaneko T, Amano N.PLoS One. 2022 Apr 5;17(4):e0265636.
189. Changes in tendon length and excursion following extensor tendon grafting at the distal radioulnar joint.
Hashimoto S, Kato H, Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Matsuda S, Hayashi M.J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2022 Sep;47(8):857-864.
190. Changes in the Functional Range of Motion of the Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint After Trapeziometacarpal Arthrodesis for Patients With Advanced Trapeziometacarpal Osteoarthritis.
Hayashi M, Kato H, Komatsu M, Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S, Takahashi J.J Hand Surg Am. 2023 Jan;48(1):83.e1-83.e8.
191. Does early administration of denosumab delay bone healing after intertrochanteric femoral fractures?
Hino M, Tanaka M, Kamoi F, Joko I, Kasuga K, Tsukahara Y, Takahashi J, Uchiyama S.J Orthop Sci. 2024 Mar 21:S0949-2658(24)00050-2.
1. S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio, J.H.Coert, W.P.Cooney, K-N.An
Excursion of flexor tendons and frictional forces. 1997
Book Chapter In Tendon and Nerve Surgery in the Hand--A Third Decade Review
Edited by J.M.Hunter, L.H.Schneider, E.J.Mackin. C.V.Mosby Co. Philadelphia
2. H. Yamazaki, H.Kato, S.Uchiyama
Tendon ruptures after fractures or carpal disorders. 2012. Book Chapter in Tendon Suregry of the Hand-Edited by Tang JB, Amadio PC, Guimberteau JC, Chang J.
内山茂晴 手根管症候群
整形外科の疾患&治療 MCメディカ出版 2017 年 pp44-47.
1. S.Uchiyama , K.Terayama
Radiographic changes in the wrists with ulnar plus variance observed over a ten-year period. SICOT 90 Montreal Canada September 9,1990.
2. S.Uchiyama、Y.Nakatsuchi、S.Saitoh、M.Hosaka
Microscopic architecture of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist.
SIROT 90 Montreal,Canada September 8,1990.
3. S.Uchiyama、 Y.Nakatsuchi、 S.Saitoh、 M.Hosaka
Structure of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist and its role in stabilizing the distal radioulnar joint. The international symposium on the wrist. Nagoya, Japan March 7,1991.
4. Y.Nakatsuchi, S.Uchiyama, S.Saitoh, M.Hosaka
Internal derangement of the distal radioulnar joint
The international symposium on the wrist. Nagoya,Japan March 7,1991.
5. S.Uchiyama, Y.Nakatsuchi, M.Ito
Mechanical properties of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist
The international biomehcanics of the hand and wrist, Brussel, Bergium, May,1992
6. S.Uchiyama, Y.Nakatsuchi, M.Ito, S.Saitoh, M.Hosaka, Y.Hata
Mechanical properties of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist and the distal radioulnar ligaments
The international federation for surgery of the hand, Paris,France, May,1992
7. K-N.An, L.Berglund, S.Uchiyama, J.H.Coert
Measurement of friction between pulley and flexor tendon
30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium & 30th International ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium
U.S.A. April,1993
8. S.Uchiyama, J.H.Coert, L.Berglund, P.C.Amadion, K-N.An,
Biomechanical Analysis of the drag between the flexor digitorum profundus tendon and the A2 pulley
1994 Minnesota Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting
Rochester,MN,USA April 1994
9. K-N.An, S.Uchiyama, Z.P.Luo, W.P.Cooney
The relationship between upper limb load posture and tissue load
Upper extremities motion workshop, Washington,D.C.,U.S.A. June 20-22,1994
10. W.P.Cooney, T.Imaeda, S.Uchiyama, R.L.Linscheid
Thumb trapeziometacarpal total joint vs implant arthroplasty: A biomechanical study
American Orthopedic Association, June,1994
11. M.Kobayashi, S.Uchiyama, R.L.Linscheid, R.A.Berger, K-N.An
Kinematic analysis of scapholunate interosseous membrane ligament repair, Second world congress of biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994
12. S.Uchiyama, J.H.Coert, L.Berglund, P.C.Amadion, K-N.An,
Biomechanical Analysis of the drag between the flexor digitorum profundus tendon and the A2 pulley
Second world congress of biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994
13. S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio, L.Berglund, K-N.An
Gliding characteristics of human intrasynovial and extrasynovial tendons.
Second world congress of biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994
14. J.H.Coert, S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio, L.Berglund, K-N.An
Flexor tendon-pulley interaction after tendon repair
Second world congress of biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994
15. J.H.Coert, S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio, L.Berglund, K-N.An
Flexor tendon-pulley interaction after tendon repair:Biomechanical study
49th. Annual meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Cincinnati, U.S.A. October 1994
16. S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio, J.Ishikawa, K-N.An
Effect of hyaluronidase treatment on the gliding resistance between the tendon and the pulley
41th. Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society
Orlando, U.S.A. February 1995
17. J.G.Seiler, S.Uchiyama, F.Ellis, P.C.Amadio, R.H.Gelberman, K-N.An
Annular pulley reconstruction:The effect of graft tension and source in a dog model in vitro
41th. Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society
Orlando, U.S.A. February 1995
18. S.Uchciyama, W.P.Smutz, P.C.Amadio, K-N.An
Gliding pattern of tendon through pulley:Differences between canine and human model.
2nd Triennial International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium
San Francisco, California, U.S.A. September, 1995
19. K-N.An, J.Grabowski, L.Berglund, S.Uchiyama, P.C.Amadio
The drag between tendon and pulley.
1996 ASME Conference, Baltimore,MD, June 12-14,1996
20. P.C.Amadio, S.Uchiyama, J.Nishida, K-N.An
The frictional characteristics of human tendon-pulley interaction.
Summer Meeting, British Association of Clinical Anatomists, Cardiff, Wales, July 12,1996
21. H.Toriumi, T.Miyasaka, S.Uchiyama, H.Nakagawa
The lateral cortex fixative pin for treatment of femoral neck fractures in elderly patients
SICOT 96, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 19,20,1996
22. J.Nishida, P.C.Amadio, S.Uchiyama, K.N.An
Flexor tendon-pulley interaction after annular pulley reconstruction:A biomechanical study in a dog model in vivo. 43rd. Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society
San Francisco, U.S.A. February 9-13,1997
23. S.Uchiyama, H.Toriumi, A.Tsukada, H.Nakagawa, T.Miyasaka
Nerve conduction studies after endoscopic carpal tunnel release using dual portal technique. 8th. IRMA Kyoto, Japan August 31-September 3,1997.
24. S.Uchiyama, H.Toriumi, H.Nakagawa, T.Miyasaka
Comparison of improvement of postoperative median nerve conduction after ECTR and OCTR. 3rd. combined meeting of Japanese and American Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. March 25-28, 2000.
25. M.Hayashi, S.Uchiyama, H.Toriumi, T.Miyasaka
Trigger digit as a complication of carpal tunnel release.
3rd. combined meeting of Japanese and American Societies for Surgery of the Hand,. Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. March 25-28, 2000
26. S.Uchiyama, H.Toriumi, H.Nakagawa, T.Miyasaka
Longitudinal median nerve conduction studies after ECTR and OCTR. The 14th. Annual Meeting of Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, Hong Kong, China, June 16-17, 2000.
27. S.Furuta, M.Hayashi, Y.Ishigaki, S.Uchiyama.
Fingertip reconstruction with a thenar venous flap. Inaugural congress of the world society for reconstructive microsurgery. Taipei, Taiwan, October 29-November 3, 2001
28. S.Uchiyama, H.Toriumi, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, N.Ishigaki, T.Miyasaka
Postoperative nerve conduction changes after open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release.
4th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Seoul, Korea, March 3-6, 2002.
29. N.Ishigaki, S.Uchiyama, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, T.Miyasaka
Ulnar nerve palsy at the elbow after surgical treatment for fractures of the olecranon.
4th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Seoul, Korea, March 3-6, 2002.
30. S.Uchiyama, T.Yasutomi, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, H.Kato. Endoscopic Assisted Carpal Tunnel Release Using Modified Chow 2-Portal Technique
5th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. Osaka, Japan, Novemeber 11-14, 2004.
31. S.Uchiyama, T.Yasutomi, T.Fukuzawa, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, T.Miyasaka. Median Nerve Damage during Two-Portal Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release. 5th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. Osaka, Japan, Novemeber 11-14, 2004.
32. T.Itsubo, A.Kawaguchi, K.Takahara, H.Hashidate, M. Kamimura
H.Nakagawa, S.Uchiyama.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Associated with a Persistent Median Artery: A case
Report and MRI Demonstartion of the Normal Volunteers and the Patients with
CarpalTunnel Syndrome.
5th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery
of the Hand. Osaka, Japan, Novemeber 11-14, 2004.
33. S.Furuta, T. Kawamura, S.Uchiyama
Monitoring Microvascular Anastomosis with E-mails.
5th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. Osaka, Japan, Novemeber 11-14, 2004.
34.S.Uchiyama, T.Itsubo, T.Yasutomi, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, H.Kato. Quantitative MRI of the wrist and nerve conduction studies in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. 5th. International Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. Osaka, Japan, Novemeber 11-14, 2004.
35. H. Nakagawa, H. Hashidate, M. Kamimura, S. Uchiyama
Meaning of selective nerve root block as prognosis judgment factor of lumbar disc herniation
Scoliosis Research Society Asia Pacific Spine Congress Aug. 25-27. 2005 Jeju, Korea
36. Hiroyuki Hashidate, Mikio Kamimura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kenji Takahara, Tetsuhiro Aoki, Isao Yoda, Shigeharu Uchiyama.:
Pseudoarthrosis of vertebral fracture radiographical and characteristic clinical features and natural history. SRS Asia Pacific Spine Congress Jeju Island, Korea, August 25-27, 2005
37. S.Uchiyama, T.Itsubo, T.Yasutomi, H.Nakagawa, M.Kamimura, H.Kato. Quantitative MRI of the wrist and nerve conduction studies in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Accepted for presentation at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, September 7-9, 2006 Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
38. H. Hashidate, M. Kamimura, H. Nakagawa, S. Uchiyama.:
Pseudoarthrosis of vertebral fracture radiographical and characteristic clinical features and natural history. Spine Across the Sea July 23-27, 2006. Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.
39. Nakamura K, Uchiyama S, Murakami N, Ishigaki N, Itsubo T, Hata Y, Kato H.
Evaluation of delayed union or nonunion of fracture of the scaphoid by dynamic enhanced MRI. International symposium on surgery of the hand in Yamagata, 2007. April 21, 2007. Yamagata, JAPAN.
40.Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Momose T, Yasutomi T, Kato H. Relationship between QOL(DASH, CTSI) evaluation and nerve conduction syudies in follow-up surgically-treated carpal tunnel syndrome. International symposium on surgery of the hand in Yamagata, 2007. April 21, 2007. Yamagata, JAPAN.
41.Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Momose T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Kato H.
Intracarpal tunnel contact pressure during Chow’s ECTR. International symposium on surgery of the hand in Yamagata, 2007. April 21, 2007. Yamagata, JAPAN.
42. T.Itsubo, S.Uchiyama, M.Hayashi, T.Momose, K.Nakamura, H.Kato. A safe entry point of injection for carpal tunnel syndrome to avoid the median nerve injury. 62st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, September 27-29, 2007 Seattle Washington, U.S.A.
44. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Momose T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Kato H.
Intracarpal tunnel contact pressure during Chow’s ECTR. 7th IPFSSH February 2008, HongKong, China. (Panel discussion) Moderator
45. Kato H, Terashima M, Itsubo T, Iwasaki N, Uchiyama S, Minami A. Clinical and radiological results of Kudo Type 5 total elbow arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis:33cases followed for an average of 7 years. ASSH September 18-20, 2008. Chicago USA
46. Itsubo T, Hayashi M, Uchiyama S, Nakamura K, Minami A, Kato H. Differential onset oatterns and causes of carpal tunnel syndrome after distal radius fracture and these radiological and electrophysiological causes:a retrospective study of 103 wrists. ASSH September 18-20, 2008. Chicago USA
47. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Momose T, Nakagawa H, Kamimura M, Kato H.
Development of less invasive ECTR technique using 5mm diameter cannula.
7th APFSSH, HongKong China 2008. February 15-17.
48. Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Fujinaga Y, Imaeda T, Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Kdoya M, Kato H. Effect of alendronate on radiographic fracture ealing after suregry for low-energy distal radius fractures. 2010 ASBMR meeting
October 15-19. 2010. Toronto, Canada.
49. Komatsu M, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Efficacy of ultrasonography and MRI in detecting medial elbow ganglion in patients with cubital tunnel syndrome. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4
50. Uchiyama S, Yasutomi T, Momose, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Kato H, Imaeda T. Indication of dual portal ECTR. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
51.Ido Y, Uchiyama S, Yoda I, Yasutomi T, Hata Y, Kato H. Effect of local corticosteroid injection on gliding resistance of the normal intrasynovial tendon through the pulley using a rabbit model. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
52. Uchiyama S. Carpal tunnel syndrome research:how and when does it change our current practice? Introduction. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4 Sympisium
53.Kato H, Nakamura K, Itsubo T, Yamazaki H, Uchiyama S. Operative treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. Backgrounds. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4 Symposium
54.Nakamura K, Ido Y, Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Ishigaki N, Hata Y, Kato H. Anterior subcutanous ulnar nerve transposition with preserving nutrient vessels for cubital tunnel syndrome-its effect on blood flow of the transposed ulnar nerve using laser doppler cytometor. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4 Symposium
55.Oshiba H, Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Clinical results of bone peg grafting for osteochondritis dissecance of the humeral capitellum in teenage athletes. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
56. Yamazaki H, Kato H, Uchiyama S. Closed tendon rupture of the flexor tendon caused by carpal bone and joint disorders. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
57. Itsubo T, Nakamura K, Ishigaki N, Uchiyama S, Kato H. Effect of early controlled mobilization on excursion of extensor tendon after free tendon graft. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
58. Yamazaki H, Kato H, Uchiyama S. Osteoarthritis of the distal radioulnar joint associated with extensor tendonrupture:radiographic risk factor identification. 11th IFSSH Seoul, Korea 2010 October 31-November 4.
60.Effect of Age on Femoral Neck Bone Strength using Quantitative CT, DXA, and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism of the Normal Postmenopausal Women
Shigeharu Uchiyama,Shota Ikegami Mikio Kamimura Yoshiyuki Sasaki
Mitsutoshi Sugano, Yoshikazu Ido, Akiko Takada, Kiichi Nonaka Toshihiko Imaeda:, Yukihiko Hata:, Hiroyuki Kato ASBMR 2011 September16-21, SanDiego, USA.
61. Shigeharu Uchiyama, Shota Ikegami, Mikio Kamimura, Y. Sasaki, Toshihiko Imaeda, Hiroyuki Kato. Geometrical and biomechanical parameters of the proximal femur and
biochemical markers associated with bone metabolism in patients with low-
energy distal radius fracture
3rd Joint Meeting of the Japan Osteoporosis Society and the Korean Society of Osteoporosis Nov. 5, 2011, Kobe Japan.
62. High Prevalence of Wild-Type TTR Deposition in Patients with Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Common Cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrom in the Elderly
Sekijima Y, Uchiyama S, Tojo K, Sano K, Shimizu Y, Imaeda T, Hoshii Y, Kato H, Ikeda S. •2011 April 9-16, American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii.
63. Ido Y, Uchiyama S, Yoda I, Yasutomi T, Hata Y, Kato H. Effect of local corticosteroid injection on gliding resistance of the normal intrasynovial tendon through the pulley using a rabbit model. ASSH Annual Meeting
LasVegas 2011.
64.Periodic evaluation of sensory recovery in patients with cubital tunnel syndrome treated by anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve.
IDO Yoshikazu, UCHIYAMA Shigeharu, NAKAMURA Koichi
ITSUBO Toshiro , HAYASHI Masanori , Kato Hiroyuki
ASSH Annual Meeting 2012 September 6-8 Chicago IL USA.
65.Hiroyuki Kato, MD, PhD Ritsu Shiozawa, MD, PhD Norimasa Iwasaki, MD Toshiro Itsubo, MD
Comparison of Splinting vs Non-splinting in the Treatment of Pediatric Trigger Finger
ASSH Annual Meeting 2012 September 6-8 Chicago IL USA.
66 Patients with Low-Energy Distal Radius Fracture Have Similar Bone Strength of the Femoral Neck Compared to Healthy Individuals, but Some Deviation in the Levels of Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover
Uchiyama, Ikegami, Kamimura, Sasaki, Imaeda, Kato
ASBMR 2012 Annual Meeting October 12-16, Minneapolis, MN USA.
67. Anterior Subcutaneous Ulnar Nerve Transposition with vascular pedicle preservation for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - Its effect on blood flow of the transposed ulnar nerve using laser Doppler flowmeter -
Koichi Nakamura1) MD, Shigeharu Uchiyama1) MD, Toshiro Itsubo1) MD,
Masanori Hayashi1) MD, Toshihiko Imaeda2) MD, Hiroyuki Kato1) MD
ASSH Annual Meeting 2012 September 6-8 Chicago IL USA.
68. Effect of One Year Alendronate Administration on the Bone Strength, Soft Tissue Mass and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism . ASBMR 2013 Annual Meeting, October 4-7, 2013 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Uchiyama S, Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Kato H.
69. Hiroshi Yamazaki Shigeharu Uchiyama Hiroyuki KATO Toshiro Itsubo Masatoshi Komatsu
Risk assessment of subcutaneous tendon rupture following treatment of distal radius fracture with volar locking plate fixation. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Annual Meeting 2015, Seatle WA, USA 2015.
70. Uchiyama S, Ikegami S, Kamimura M, Mukaiyama K, Nonaka K, Kato H.
Long-term bisphosphonate users have relatively lower skeletal muscle mass around the femur with increased serum pentosidine concentrations.
American Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism(ASBMR) 2014 Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, 2014.